Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Only one game left and we'll call it a "season". Jake got to be pitcher for one inning yesterday...I don't know who was more nervous, me, his grandparents, or JAKE!! He did good, striking 2 out.

Anna has had cheerleading camp all week and it has worked her over pretty good. She has been a great sport through it all. She will be leaving for Branson on Sunday. She is going on vacation with her sweet friend Mackenzie Kimbriel. I hope they have fun. I'll post her pictures when they return.

Life on the hill is pretty quiet otherwise. Pool should be starting in a few days! Yeaaaaaah!!!! I'll have to post the construction and mess that we will have!
Here is my scrapbook page from Joe's Father's Day. I think it is VERY appropriate!

Bye for now!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Happy Father's Day

Happy Father's Day Daddy!! I love you bunches!
Such a cute couple, don't you think?

As you can see, we spent most of our Father's Day in the garden, but later in the afternoon, we made time for a little fun!!! The kids had a ball playing on their Slip-N-Slide. We hope we will be swimming in our new pool by the end of July!!

Jake must have slid 1,000 times!!!!

Anna hamming it up for the camera!!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Summertime is Here!!!

We visited the Fort Smith airshow on May 18th. We went with Gran and Papa and took Anna's friend Emily along too. It was HOT!! but we had a great time. Jake was "schooled" on all the planes by his pilot-grandpa.

Anna graduated as planned and what kind of mom would I be if I didn't take pictures to document this wonderful day?! She was so excited about graduation and I think especially about the dance that followed. Joe and I chaperoned and I don't think we embarrassed her too much, at least I hope we didn't. The class danced to every song and I think they had a blast!!

Well, its summer and we don't have tons planned. We are still playing baseball...Jake is an alternate for the All-Star team! Softball is over for Anna unless they reschedule some make up games. She did really good this year and we are so proud of her. We are suppose to start on our swimming pool in a week or so. Maybe we will be up and going in a month or so...Anna already planning a pool party for the end of summer!!!

Happy Summer to All!!!!