Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Playing Catch-Up, Again....

Well, I blinked and now it is fall!!  We had a busy summer, so the start of school was a welcomed event around our house.  Anna was even saying that she was ready for school to start so she could get a little rest!  She and Joe went on a mission trip to Peru in August and she had just gotten back from church camp the week before, so she was getting tired of living out of a suitcase.  

Speaking of Anna, she turned 15 while in Peru.   The people that they were working with had a big party, complete with Chinese food (her favorite) and cake!  Once she made it back to the states, we had a party for her with her best friend, Peyton.  I got to make the cake!  She found one she wanted me to recreate on the internet, so here it is....

Anna is in highschool now and Jake is in junior high.  Both have had a big adjustment, but have dealt with it well.  Classes seem to be a little more difficult in high school, but alot of it is just responsibility and accountability.  Junior high, for Jake, has been awesome!  He is playing football and absolutely loves it.  Here he is being introduced at a peprally. 

Joe and I have made it to ALL of Jake's games ON TIME so far!  That is saying alot....trying to get him out of the office and to a field by 5:30 is a major undertaking, but we have done it!

I have been making a few cakes lately.  

This was for Jodi.  She turned 12 this summer.  I was so happy that her mom asked me to do this cake for her.

I had someone ask me to do a cake inspired by the tv show, "The Office".  The minute she asked, I went into immediate panic mode!  I knew nothing about this show and had never watched it, not once!  How was I going to make a cake about something I had no clue about??  Thank goodness for the internet, because it definately saved the day.  I was happy with how it turned out and so was the birthday girl! Yay me!!

Jake's Michael Jordan cake.

Oops..almost forgot about my FAVORITE new addiction!!  Pinterest!  If you haven't been sucked in by now, walk away slowly, because it will definitely become your addiction too!!  I'll try to put one of those "blinkie" things on the side of my blog, but if not.... search for me Candy Stewart-Dunaway. 

Gotta run pick the kids up from school now.  Time flies when you're having fun!!

Bye for now...

1 comment:

Farmgirl Paints said...

those cakes are amazing. wishin' you weren't in arkansas. little chick's bday's coming up;)