Monday, March 2, 2009

We Wii, Do You Wii

Joe and I gave in, finally, and got Anna and Jake a Wii game system. We have fought this for over a year, because we already have an X-Box and an X-Box 360. It is fun, I must quietly admit. I think I played at least one set of tennis today. (Shhhh...the kids may hear you laughing!) Anyway, as soon as I picked the kids up at the bus stop I asked which one wanted to play me! We don't have the famous "Wii Fit", yet, but within 6-10 days that little man in the brown truck will drop it at our front door...I just hope it comes in the morning while the kids are at school and I can spend the ENTIRE day entertaining myself with this devilish machine!!

Back to more serious thoughts...I had the most unexpected and wonderful phone call on Friday afternoon. It was one of my best friends from grade school. We started school together in 1st grade and were classmates through our senior year of high school. We went to different colleges, unfortunately, and had lost touch. I have missed Stephene so much over the years and am so glad that she took the time to reconnect with me. It was so much fun catching up with her and talk about motherhood and all the warm, fuzzy things we both share even though we live so far apart. She admitted that she reads my blog, so I hope she doesn' t get to upset when she sees her name and picture here......

This is Sarah Elizabeth, Stephene and Julia

Joe and I went out to eat with my parents Friday night. Ate fried catfish at the local Dairy Freeze. We left with full bellies and it was all good. We had snow on Saturday here. It didn't stick at all, but it was beautiful.

Anna ran out to catch a few on her tongue!

Joe has a new partner coming in August, so he and his wife came for a nice visit on Saturday. I cannot wait for them to get here so Joe can slow down a little. They found a home in town that they love, so that is a good thing! They have a little 3 year old boy. Things may liven up a little around here!!

Anna plays trombone in band, so I got a private concert today!

Gran is cooking Chicken Spaghetti for supper, so I'd better go and help her a little. Best wishes for a great week...Steph, if you're still reading this.....I miss you and you truly made my day by calling me!! Life is good... so good!

Bye for now.

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