Thursday, October 23, 2008

Things are getting a little "spooky" around here. Our Halloween party is this Saturday night! I hope I'm ready. I've still got a lot of last minute things to do, but I'll make it. I'm making Chex-Mix and cupcakes today and tomorrow. I think, with the exception of the cemetery in the front yard, the outside decorations are almost complete. Tomorrow I'll probably clean house and put the final touches on the yard. I've got the hay coming in a few minutes and I have some wood for the bonfire in the barn. Gotta get that to the bonfire site and I'll be good to go. Went to Fort Smith on Anna's red "Dorothy" shoes and when I got home I realized I had 2 left shoes!!! Gran and Papa are making a fast trip to exchange them now, so hopefully Dorothy will go on as scheduled!! It could only happen to me!!

Yesterday I had the fun job of getting all of our decorations out of storage. It was not a pretty sight!
Here is the "before" picture.

And here is the "after", after 15 minutes of cleaning!!

Here are a few pictures from the landscaping project we have been working on. Its not professional, but we did it and now we can relax and enjoy it! I'll try to orient you along the way.

First, here is a picture of Gran and Papa's house.

This is in the direction of their garage.

This is toward our barn, which is just to the right of Gran and Papa's garage.

This is outside our sunroom.

And finally, this is looking toward our garage.

Well, I've got to get back to work! Hope to blog the cemetery before the party and will hopefully get some good costume pics!!

Bye for now!

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